Monday, October 08, 2007


I am not doing very good at this bloggin deal . I am currently disabled so hopefully that will allow me to blog regularly . what I mean by disabled is, I recently blew out my left knee last month playing basketball . to give you an idea... 1. COMPLETELY tore my A.C.L. - 2. tore my meniscus - 3. sprained my M.C.L. - 4. caused bruising and swelling on my femur and tibia from the rough impact, and - 5. sprained tendons on the left side of my left knee. That sure is a lot to go wrong with one injury but what can ya do. Anyway, I am going into surgery this Thursday so life will be interesting the next 3 months. I need to go to bed for now but I will be around the computer the next 3 months. Till then... good night


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